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Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Why CRT (Carbon Recycling Technology)? 1. CRT is the only technology that generates a baseload (24 x 7) power, without using any fossil fuel or battery storage, and without emissions. 2. It not only eliminates Carbon emission but also replenish the depleted Oxygen in the atmosphere, which is vital for human survival. Oxygen is a valuable by-product for medical and industrial applications which adds, economic value for the project. 3. CRT is the only technology that will accelerate emissions reduction, to limit the global temperature within 1.5C before 2030 as projected by IEA and UN. 4. How can Carbon emission be eliminated while continuing to use fossil fuel and subsidising fossil fuel? 5. If CO2 is allowed, carbon capture technologies will thrive but will not solve the core issue of climate change unless the captured Carbon is eliminated from the system. 6. How future energy demands be met without baseload power generation (24 x 7) technology? Power intensive industries, electrical vehicles, and Hydrogen cars (Fuel cell) all require only electricity. Our focus should be on baseload (24 x7) electricity generation without fossil fuel but with zero emissions. Even water vapour and Oxides of Nitrogen are GHGs and to be eliminated. 7. Only a renewable fuel such as RSMG (renewable synthetic methane gas) with zero emission can save baseload electricity generation and only CRT can solve the electricity generation problem without using a fossil fuel and with zero emissions. 8. Renewable energy sources are low efficient, requires vast land and huge investment with the lowest rate of return on investment. The power tariffs are slashed, export to the grid increased but power tariffs in energy exchanges are still high. A sudden massive inflow of renewable energy into an age old grid will overwhelm the grid. It is a disadvantage for both renewable power generators well as large and continuous power users. But they are valuable and inevitable in this transition of decarbonisation 9. Renewable energy by itself will not solve electrical demand of the future. 10. Similarly, Hydrogen (whether green or blue) alone cannot solve the electrical demand of the future. 11. CRT require large upfront investment, but the rate of returns are high and payback periods are less and markets are readily available and growing.

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